So you want to throw an epic Barbie pool party? I'm excited to share some inspo and party favors that'll really elevate the Barbie Bride vibes!
For my bachelorette weekend, we snagged an epic AirBNB in Indio, CA with a pool. I knew right away that we needed to throw a Barbie pool party! We had different themes throughout the weekend, "Barbie" was super easy to throw together, and everyone looked great!
We bought these Bride/Babe Heart Sunglasses and put them in the welcome boxes,
then instructed the babes to pack any pink suit.
Links below to some festive suits and the sunnies.
This pink retro phone float came in clutch!
Here is the link to the phone and a few other fun floats!
One last hot tip to you brides, or sweet people planning for your bride babe, pitch in and hire a photographer! These moments with your besties should be remembered forever and I adore these photos! Shot by @jesslizettephoto, edited by me!
Happy planning!
xo Bucketlistbride
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